We believe that marriage is for life, that God hates divorce, and that divorce is never God’s first choice for a believer (Malachi 2:15-16; Mark 10:1-2).
The Bible declares that God created human beings as male or female (Genesis 1:27).
In the context of marriage, Genesis 2:24 identifies man and wife as male and female. God’s Word in Genesis, and Jesus, reiterates that marriage is “between” a husband and wife, who are male and female (Mark 10:6-12).
In light of current publicity about “affirming” homosexuals in their sexual behavior, gay weddings and seeking to be more inclusive, we feel that it is important to explain and reaffirm Antioch Adoptions stance.
It is the Word of God that tells us about His love, as well as His justice and holiness. It is the Word of God that tells us about the sacrifice of Jesus for our salvation, about how to have new life in Him by believing in Him, about the coming Kingdom, and our future in heaven, and also about sin (Psalm 119:9).
While there are surely a few passages in the Bible which can be difficult to understand and interpret confidently, the prohibitions against homosexuality are not. They can only be misunderstood if one is trying to justify his or her own viewpoint. Those who do this like to say that the Bible doesn’t even address the homosexual union of two people who are committed to one another in love. It is often said that the Bible’s condemnation of same sex behavior is really talking about lustful behavior or inhospitality, not committed love. Others say that the Bible is only condemning homosexuality in the context of idolatry. Some claim that homosexual relationships are acceptable as long as there is fidelity between the partners (i.e., gay marriage). None of these claims hold up to their contexts, nor to a valid hermeneutic (way of interpreting Scripture). One might say that the Bible doesn’t condemn “homosexual orientation” but this is irrelevant. The Bible condemns homosexual behavior (Genesis 19:1-13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Timothy 1:10). It is sin, along with adultery, lust, lying, jealousy, gossip and a host of other sins. It is sin in the Old Testament and it is sin in the New Testament. It is sin in the culture and it is sin in the church.
It is not for us to judge those who are practicing homosexuals (1 Corinthians 5:12). It is our job to love them with the love of Christ, present the Gospel to them and pray they might receive Jesus as their Savior.
Antioch Adoptions is dedicated to defending the inherent honor, dignity, value and equality of the two sexes as created in God’s image – intentionally male and female – each bringing unique and complementary qualities in sexuality and relationships.
Each of the two sexes is a glorious gift from God. Our sexuality is meant to be offered back to Him either in complimentary unity with the opposite sex in the context of marriage for procreation and mutual delight or in celibacy for undivided devotion to Christ.
Not only do male and female together reflect the image of God, but their coming together in a marriage relationship to bring forth new life is used in Scripture as the deepest and most intimate analogy of God’s relationship with His people. Throughout both Testaments, God and His people are portrayed as husband and wife or as groom and bride. The creation account found in Genesis, lays out this gender-based, matrimonial picture and sets the stage for the final, eternal union of God and His people – of Christ and His bride – described in Revelation.
God created humans male and female - and that matters. In recent years, a revisionist transgender theology has been put forth in some theological circles that violates God’s clearly articulated and intentional design for the two sexes. This distorts His image and His plan for sexuality, marriage, family and the just and proper ordering of society.